Saturday, March 7, 2020

Episode 415 - Antonyms

Jackson Firebird - High Love
NoMeansNo - So Low
JD McPherson - It Shook Me Up
Meanies - Lay Your Body Down
Japandroids - Wet Hair
Six Ft Hick - Hanging Out to Dry
Kiss - Torpedo Girl
Rhino Bucket - Monkey Boy Highway
Pierced Arrows - Buried Alive
Red Fang - Hank Is Dead
Lazys - Can't Kill the Truth
Star Spangles - I Told a Lie
Interrupters - Good Things
Johnny Cash - Big Bad John
Kix - Get It While It's Hot
Danko Jones - Ice Cold Angel

1 comment:

  1. interrupters song of the show for me, played in dublin last year but missed it due to being on holidays at the time...
